The information on this page was correct at the time of publishing (December 2022). The project has since evolved and we would encourage you to read our September update for more information.
Who will we consult?
Throughout development, North Falls continues to consult with stakeholders to gather feedback on the way the project is being assessed and on the project itself as it takes shape. The groups of stakeholders, or consultees, are defined as follows:
- Those directly affected.This includes statutory bodies, the relevant local authorities, landowners and others with an interest in the land or who may be affected by the construction and operation of a consented scheme.
- The local community. Defined as those people living or working within a defined distance of the onshore infrastructure or those who may have an interest in the area, for example, local archaeology groups and mariners and the fishing community or other non-statutory groups. These are sometimes referred to as Section 47 consultees.
- The general public. These are those people beyond the local community who will primarily be reached through national newspaper advertisements and on the project website. These are sometimes referred to as Section 48 consultees.
We will carry out targeted activities for each group of consultees and a statement of community consultation (SoCC) will be published in 2023, which will detail our consultation approach with the local community.
Other nearby infrastructure projects
North Falls Offshore Wind Farm is a nationally significant infrastructure project (NSIP) and as such, is required to consider its cumulative impact and in-combination effects in relation to other relevant infrastructure projects that are planned in the same geographic region, including the proposed neighbouring Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm.
There are a number of other NSIP and infrastructure developments proposed locally and the North Falls project team is already engaging and coordinating with project promoters. This engagement will continue as North Falls progresses. Part of this engagement will include monitoring and exploring opportunities for cooperation with the developers of the projects as far as is practicable, as part of the development process.
Feedback Questions
The main theme to come from responses to this question was around the need for increased coordination with Five Estuaries, more detail of exactly how the two projects are working together, specifics on the cooperation and more on the cumulative impacts (also with National Grid's East Anglia Green project). The cumulative impact responses related to both the construction work and also to the fact the substations would be in one area and how that would effect the nearby community.