The information on this page was correct at the time of publishing (December 2022). The project has since evolved and we would encourage you to read our September update for more information.
Here are some key statistics about our consultation:

invitations mailed

impressions from online advertising

public events


visits to consultation portal

pieces of feedback
Issues and what we are doing
Numerous issues were raised during the consultation that will be covered more fully in the North Falls Preliminary Environmental Information Report which is now under production and will be subject to consultation in 2023. This is a high level summary of the key issues raised, all of which will be considered as the proposals are progressed.
Issue raised during consultation
Construction traffic
Respondents raised concerns around construction traffic, recognising the local area has many narrow roads unsuitable for an increase in traffic. Particularly the likes of HGVs and in areas such as the village of Thorpe-le-Soken.
What we are doing
North Falls is working on an outline Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) with details of how HGV and other vehicle movements will be to controlled, monitored and enforced during construction. Amongst other details it will include how accesses and offsite highway works will be designed and how a temporary haul road within the construction corridor will minimise the amount of traffic on the local road network.
Issue raised during consultation
Points were raised during the consultation around flooding, both the possibility of it having an impact on construction, and conversely the impact construction could have on flooding.
What we are doing
North Falls has carried out assessments on geology, ground conditions, hydrology and flood risk for each of the project’s construction, operation and decommissioning phases. This information will inform a Flood Risk Assessment, which will establish whether the onshore infrastructure may be affected by current or future flooding, whether it will increase the flood risk elsewhere and what mitigation can be implemented to reduce it.
Issue raised during consultation
Access to footpaths, bridleways and the coastal promenade during construction
People wanted to know what impact construction might have on recreational routes, such as the promenade between Frinton-on-Sea and Holland-on-Sea, bridleways and footpaths along the cable route.
What we are doing
We are identifying each recreational route in the area of our proposed construction works and will incorporate plans to minimise disruption either through use of specific construction techniques, alternative routes or by careful timing of activities.
Issue raised during consultation
Water main north of Thorpe Road
A specific point was brought up by a few respondents relating to a cast iron water main north of Thorpe Road
What we are doing
As the water main north of Thorpe Lane is owned by the local water company, it would not be within the project's remit to remove or replace it. However we will liaise with the water company so they are aware of our plans and the feedback we have received during consultation.
Issue raised during consultation
Land drainage
Some comments received related to water drainage in the area, with specific mention of a drainage ditch at Damants Farm Lane.
What we are doing
A land drainage consultant will be appointed to develop pre-and post-construction drainage plans in consultation with local landowners for all affected areas of the cable route. Additionally, land drainage systems will be maintained during construction and land drainage would be reinstated once construction is complete as part of the reinstatement phase.
Issue raised during consultation
Landscaping around substation
Respondents asked about how the substation would be landscaped as there are concerns around its visual impact. There were also requests for more visualisations to understand the size and how it could look.
What we are doing
We are following National Infrastructure Commission guidance (published February 2020), which sets out design principles for nationally significant infrastructure projects such as North Falls. These mean we will consider the cumulative impacts of other proposed substations and factors including substation orientation, fencing and associated landscaping and vegetation such as native woodland planting and hedgerows. Our site selection principles are also aligned to the Horlock Rules guidance on siting and design of substations.
North Falls has noted requests to better understand how the substation could look and will include more photographs with examples of similar substations and visual representations in future consultation(s).
Issue raised during consultation
Local ecology, birds and wildlife
Some who provided consultation responses expressed concern about the impacts of construction on the local area's ecology, wildlife and bird, with a particular focus on any endangered species.
What we are doing
Comprehensive ecological surveys have been undertaken across the whole proposed development area recording the presence of any habitat, bird species or wildlife, including insects, that is either protected in law or notable due to its rare, scarce or vulnerable status. This information is being used to inform the baseline for planning and full details of how it has been considered will be included in the preliminary environmental information report which we will consult on this year.
Issue raised during consultation
Use of HDD during construction
While most feedback indicated people were content with the use of horizontal directional drilling during construction, there were some questions around the process and potential for noise or pollution.
What we are doing
More details around the specifics of the HDD process will be included in the upcoming PEIR but the concerns have been noted and will be addressed. For example by the use of an inert clay as drilling fluid and pre-work noise assessments to ascertain the need for temporary noise mitigation, which would be put in place for the duration of activity.
Issue raised during consultation
Communication during construction
There were requests for clear communications during the construction period.
What we are doing
We can confirm this will be a priority to ensure the local community is aware of what is happening and when. Communications methodologies will include direct letters, newsletters and eNews, a 24-hour phone line and local briefings.
Issue raised during consultation
Grid connection location
Numerous respondents, particularly those potentially impacted, expressed opposition to the location of the grid connection near Ardleigh. The concerns were around its size, cumulative impacts, and distance from electricity users. While not part of the North Falls remit, there were also concerns around the infrastructure related to East Anglia GREEN project.
What we are doing
North Falls has noted all the objections to the existing location and has shared feedback with National Grid, who provided the project with its grid connection. While North Falls continues to work towards the existing grid connection location as that is the only current option, in parallel the project remains committed to the OTNR process with more details on that below.
Issue raised during consultation
Horsley Cross car boot sale
More than one consultee mentioned the Horsley Cross car boot sale as something that could be impacted by the proposed cable route.
What we are doing
The fact this event happens each Friday during summer has been noted and will be referenced in our development consent order application. While the exact cable route has yet to be confirmed, if it is close to the car boot sale site, we would work with organisers to minimise any potential disruption from construction activity.
Issue raised during consultation
Residential gardens
There was concern for some local residents about the cable route potentially going through back or front gardens.
What we are doing
We have reviewed the initial route which did include corners of some residential gardens, however it has now been narrowed down and amended to completely avoid residential gardens.
Issue raised during consultation
Offshore grid connection
A number of people asked why we cannot just connect the project offshore and why that is not being considered.
What we are doing
There are numerous complex changes needed to regulations and legislation in order for offshore wind farms to be able to connect their projects offshore. North Falls continues to play a role in the Offshore Transmission Network Review which aims to deliver the necessary changes. As such we have committed to exploring coordinated network designs with along with four other projects in East Anglia: Five Estuaries, National Grid Electricity Transmission's Sea Link, and National Grid Ventures' EuroLink and Nautilus, and we continue to work together on this process.
Issue raised during consultation
Cooperation with Five Estuaries
There were a number of requests from those responding to the consultation for cooperation with Five Estuaries as both projects are in the same location.
What we are doing
Due to the location of the two projects, North Falls will continue to work closely with Five Estuaries on key elements such as cable corridor selection (to optimise both onshore routes), onshore substation location, environmental surveys and by sharing consultation feedback.
Issue raised during consultation
Community support
The consultation invited ideas as to how it could support the local community in future.
What we are doing
Plenty of good ideas about how North Falls can support the local community - such as sponsorships and local involvement - were submitted and will be explored as the project progresses.
To find out answers to all the key questions from the consultation please visit the ‘frequently asked questions’ page on the North Falls website
Frequently asked questions
Our main frequently asked questions page includes answers to many of the questions that were asked at this consultation, as well as others which have been asked throughout our development process. If you can't see an answer to a question you have, please send it to us directly via one of the methods on the contact us page.
Feedback form responses
The responses received via the completed feedback forms have been summarised and can be viewed in a number of ways. You can either view them online here or they can be downloaded as a PDF via the button below.
Download feedback form response summary